A fun day thrifting

Monday, 10 January 2011

We had such a good weekend - the highlight of which was visiting our local collectors market. Always a wonderful treasure trove of goodies :)

I also made cheese & chilli biscuits - recipe to follow soon! x


  1. Where can I find this? It looks amazing!!!! x LondonZest

  2. I love visiting markets like that! How neat :)

  3. Hi Emily, it's in Crystal Palace - Haynes Lane market: http://www.hayneslanemarket.com/ xx

  4. Fun! Did you buy anything?

    mmm looking forward to that recipe too!

  5. I didn't buy a thing! I was so proud of myself, but I'm now completely regretting not picking up some beautiful material that I saw... I think I'll be going back next weekend with my fingers crossed that it's still there! x

  6. Ooo lala! I Love a Collector's Market. Yours looks wonderful! Isn't it so hard when you come home and still think about that one treasure you left behind . . . luckily there is one every weekend! ;) xo Samantha @ Vintage is for Lovers

  7. Oooh!!! This is MY FAVORITE HOBBY! I love the pictures. Fill me in if you buy something next time ;)

  8. I'm in love with those purses!
