To cut a long story short, I haven't been well recently so over the last few months I've been working part-time and have generally been trying to treat myself with a bit more TLC. More relaxing, more time with family and friends, taking things at a slower pace, and it seems to be working thank God! So now seems the perfect time to dip back into blogging. The odd post here and there. I reeeeally missed it. But I think I missed the connections that I've formed through my blog the most. Can't wait to catch up on my favourite blogs out there!
I wanted to quickly post about this beautiful Ollie & Nic Satchel. I'm officially in love. But I'm also officially saving up for a new bathroom (bah), so I thought I'd share instead of buy this lovely find.

Update: woo hoo, the boy just bought it for me! Feeling very spoilt.