Due to the raging storms this weekend, me and the boyfriend decided the best thing to do was to hibernate in the flat. He played loads of guitar and made us the most amazing curried sherpherd's pie (the mash was to die for - creamy with a ton of cheese). I went on a well overdue cleaning spree, visited the library to stock up on new reads (part of my new budgeting plan as I was shocked to see how much I spend on books) and made
this lemon drizzle cake on Saturday morning.
Personally I found the syrup was lemon overkill for me so I ditched the lemon juice in the icing which balanced the cake out nicely. I have to recommend this recipe. Its so easy and sooo tasty - needless to say, we polished the whole cake off by Saturday evening (and we wonder why we have expanding waistlines!)
Hope you all had a good weekend!
Image by Jamie Oliver
definitely was a weekend for hibernating... and how funny, my boyfriend also made us shepherds pie! sweet potato topping, with some chilli mixed in, with cheese on top!! mmmm!! x