How did I not hear about Tiger earlier?
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
This store is jaw droppingly cheap - and they have some really cute things.
Looks like they're mainly London-based at the moment, but on their website they say that they're looking to open more stores this year - can only be good!
Best of the street
Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Images via Garance Doré & Stockholm Streetstyle
A pretty home
Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Images via Janae Hardy
Last week's best of the street
Monday, 22 March 2010

Image via Vanessa Jackman
Last week's best of the street
Monday, 15 March 2010

Images via Garance Doré, The Sartorialist & Vanessa Jackman
Etsy: Noble Town Vintage
Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Hope you are all having a lovely day. I spent this afternoon at my friend's preparing for her son's birthday party. We spent hours making bunting and then popped out for tea and cake. Perfect way to spend a day!
Last week's best of the street
Monday, 8 March 2010

Images via Jak & Jil & The Sartorialist
The lovely Helen from Helen Hearts (have you checked out her blog? If not, please do - such great posts) tagged me to share one of my bags and lay bare the contents, so here we go!
Clockwise from left: Filofax as I'm determined to be more organised this year, mag stolen from my Dad's Saturday Times (sorry Dad), keys, Vaseline (love their little pots), Touche Éclat for those dark circles, red lippie, trusty Oyster card and finally my beloved ipod
So I now tag the following lovely ladies! So keen to know what treasures you keep in your bags!
My rather battered satchel that I just can't let go of!

Caroline from Patchwork Hamony
Interior inspiration: Bedroom
Thursday, 4 March 2010

I have such a thing for hot pink. About five years ago I tore out pictures of an amazing house that was all dark wood, white and fuschia which I still consider my idea of interior perfection. The boyfriend is letting me take the lead on doing up our flat (I cannot tell you how excited I am!) but I have a feeling he won't be welcoming pink into our home with open arms - however, maybe a small touch of fuschia would be ok? Maybe like this headboard? It's worth a try!
On a separate note, thank you all so much for your enquiries about my new job. It's going well - I'm definitely not the most ambitious person out there but I'm quite enjoying being back in work (did I just say that?) and the people are such a chilled out and fun bunch of people - and we all know that it's all about the people at work!
Images via Living Etc
Images via Living Etc
Five things making me very happy today
Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Images via Design is Mine, Sky Showbiz, The Style Files & The Sartorialist
Beautifully white
Tuesday, 2 March 2010

My poor boyfriend has me nagging him to move out to the countryside. It's not that I don't love London. I really do, but whenever I head back to visit my parents and see the miles of green fields and open space I just feel more alive somehow. Sign of getting older maybe?!
What do you guys prefer - the city or the country?
I would love to live a cute cottage. I'm quite sure that there is no way I could keep such a white place clean (I've already managed to spill a cup of coffee on our new cream rug!) but this place really is so beautiful.
All images from Country Living
Last week's best of the street
Monday, 1 March 2010

Argh, I had a feeling that starting the new job and fitting in my usual blogging would prove difficult - and I was right! So sorry for the lack of blog posts last week. I need to get myself more organised over the coming weeks.
I'm playing catch up today, so these are my favourite pics from my go to streetstyle blogs from last week. Hope you enjoy!
I'm playing catch up today, so these are my favourite pics from my go to streetstyle blogs from last week. Hope you enjoy!
Images via Vanessa Jackman, The Sartorialist, Karla's Closet & Glamcanyon